Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heteronormalizing Gay Persons on TV

Recently we talked about Ellen’s original show, Ellen, and how it allowed the portrayal of gay persons on television to be more acceptable. To say I’m Ellen’s number 1 fan would be an understatement. If I claimed to have a parasocial relationship with something, it would be Ellen hands down.
            I give Ellen props for exposing society to gay persons on TV and I feel she handled it in the best way possible. I think it is a touchy subject for the majority of the population and for her to bring up the subject using humor is frankly the best way for us as a society to handle. We react more positively through humor and I personally feel it is the best way to bring up controversial issues.
            However, Ellen was over fifteen years ago and we have not progressed from humor or the typical stereotypes. Has anyone ever noticed that the majority of gay people on TV are males? What’s even more frustrating to me is the heteronormalizing of gay men on sitcoms. Let’s talk about the ever so popular Modern Family. Cameron and Mitchell are a gay couple on the show, but are steered into stereotypical gender roles. Mitchell goes to work and Cameron stays at home. Come on!
            The topic is specifically talked about in the “Mother’s Day” episode.  The two are at the park on Mother’s Day and some others mom in the park summon Cameron to come get in the mom’s picture. Just because Cameron is more what we refer to as feminine he automatically becomes the motherly figure in the relationship. Why can’t they just be two dads?
            As a society we don’t know how to react to parents as being two dads or two moms so we categorize them into gender roles as one being more masculine and one more feminine because that is what’s more comfortable and “normal” for us.

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