Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm hipster(wannabe).

Well, I mentioned in my most recent post that using #hashtags makes me feel hipster.

And boy oh boy, is hipster an interesting topic to think about.

Here's the funny thing--the people I mentioned in my last post as people who use hashtags as way more than a manner of condensing a topic to a feed are ones who openly like to consider themselves hipster.

One of the girls actually told me that one of her top four qualifications for dating a guy is that he has to dress like a hipster.

What does she even mean by that?

My guess? Maybe this is stereotyping, but... some kind of nose or lip piercing that's not too obvious, but makes a statement. Maybe a meaningful tattoo. Some trendy shirt that's thin and somewhat form fitting. Some ripped jeans. Maybe some Toms? I dunno.

She also wants him to have a beard. I hope beards are becoming hipster. I'd be the hipsterest guy around.

Yes, I think highly of my beard. :D makes me more manly!

Anyway, inaccurate display of arrogance aside, hipster to me just represents the next stage of what is popular and cool, but it's becoming quite a skillful thing to pull it off these days.

What with branding, advertising, social network and all, it's hard for hipsters to outrun the popular culture before what they are redefining become the new definition.

It's still fun to act like a hipster sometimes. Makes me feel like less of a nerd.

Perhaps that's why I'm quite the meme guy...

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