Thursday, November 8, 2012

A New View

 So as I sat down to read this article, I kept thinking there is so much I have to do and the absolute last thing I want to do is read about Tupac. Before reading this article I thought of him in a negative way, but after reading this article it really gave me a new view of who he was and what society made him into. What really struck me was a sentence at the very end, "Tupac was a tragic example of a talented black man, beautiful and damaged, who combined some of the worst excesses of the society that produced him with an acute awareness of the corrupt nature of that society." When I first read that my immediate thought was what a great way to sum up the article. Most importantly, I feel that the article all leads up to this sentence. I think this says that Tupac although beautiful and talented, because of society was made into a negative person. The article discusses how Tupac, much like other young men, had this need to be a "tough manly man" and if that meant rapping about sex and killing that's what he had to do. However in a sense I feel that Tupac had an idea of this negative society. In the song "Keep Your Head Up" as mentioned in the article he talks about how women shouldn't let men control their lives. I think that because he was forced to grow up fast, he had a very good idea of the society that's so corrupt that had even corrupted him.

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