Saturday, November 17, 2012

Is it still cool to be a hipster?

Being hipster was not a "thing" until I was in college about three years ago. I just noticed that these people were all dressing the same and were kind of different from everyone else that I knew. I then began to look into why this style was popular and came to this conclusion. I had absolutely no idea why being hipster was cool. Dressing like someone that has no sense of fashion coordination and looking like you buy everything single item from a 12 different stores is apparently a fad. One of my extremely close friends began to dress this way when he got to college and I asked him if he thought he was a hipster and he replied with a big no. Although I knew he thought he was a hipster, he just thought that the cool thing was to deny that he was in the category of hipster. The only thing missing from him were the big clunky thick framed glasses. Apparently, the other popular thing to do when you are a hipster is to deny when people ask you if you are one. Go ahead, ask someone who you think and looks like one and see what they say. Nine out of ten times, the answer will be no. So my thoughts are being hipster is something that is now a "popular" trend. And hipsters dont want to be popular, which is why they are categorized as such because everything they do, from dressing differently to listening to odd forms of music. All of the hipster ways are mostly popular now which is kind of throwing off the hipster lifestyle. My question is, are hipsters still hipsters? Because, in my book, hipsters dont want to be popular, but now their whole way of life is now "mainstream" which is the opposite of the hipster way. So this is a little food for thought.

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