Friday, November 16, 2012

Being a Gamer

We talked about the world of gamers the other day in class and how they are learning things though video games that are essential to saving world problems. I connected this to this game I used to play online called WhyVille. You would create an avatar and it would evolve over time and you would have to work to earn money, build a house and buy food. I think that this ended up being a really productive game that teaches kids how to be responsible as they grow up and that they need to work hard in life to get money and buy the things they need. They eventually got this thing with it where it was trying to help kids learn to be healthy and it would track the food you put into your body and it would sync it with the food pyramid. If you were eating too much junk food or not enough water, you would start to get sick and need medicine and go to the doctor etc. I think that this was really important for such a popular online game and I think more games like this should be out in the public for kids to play with. They can prove to be very educational because I learned to make good choices from that.I think the video game/ online game industry has a lot of potential to make a difference in the world by teaching kids live long strategies and ways of thinking and understand that can prove to be helpful in the real world. I have found throughout life that I am really good at figuring out how things work even though I have no idea what it is. I think that through video games I learned that you are going to experience new scenes and experiences and nobody is there to tell you how to get through it, you just have to figure it out. I think that this has come in handy in my life very often, and looking back at it I think it does originate from playing video games, and for that I am thankful.

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