Saturday, November 17, 2012

E-Sports By J. D. Purdie

I'm not a gamer, I'm worse, I'm a gamer junkie. I spend free time I don't have watching professional video game players playing the best video games in the world. And I'm not the only one. In recent years video games are the second fasting growing entertainment industry. And with more and more companies sponsoring teams and individual player more and more people and making that leap from playing video games because it’s something fun to do, to video games being a way of life, a way to pay the bills and getting a free trip around the world to play with the best. Not all video games are the same, but those games that balanced in such a way that no one player or team can get an easy advantage over their opponent, games that take hard work to become elite yet impossible to master, games that teamwork and dedication in order to play correctly, these games are called E-Sports (electronic sports). The questions that everyone is asking is are these games really sports. Although I may be biased seeing how I’m a junkie and all, I do think that some video games should be considered sports. All the core values are there, the sponsors money and fans are there, may pro teams also have a coaching staff. The biggest rebuttal to this argument is that video games are not physically demanding like sports are. However I’m not sure it that’s true many of the top player issues thousands of commands in a game on key boards and controllers subjecting them to injury’s such as carpel tunnel, I’m saying that we should bring Halo into the Olympics just that video games are more than just video games on multiple levels.  

J. D. Purdie

1 comment:

  1. This debate has been going for some time. I've always viewed it as a hobby, but if any games deserve some credit it would have to be the fighting game community.
