Friday, November 16, 2012


One of the most interesting developments, in my opinion, that we can see on the internet is the hashtag culture.

Hashtags, as we know from class, are a way of condensing posts or thoughts on a particular subject so one can view all of them.

However, being an avid Facebooker myself, I see quite a bit of other uses for hashtags.

The number one use besides condensing is humor. A lot of my friends will use hashtags for humor, somewhat like I did in my most recent blogpost.

After all, it's not like the hashtags I wrote will have any effect on blogger. I just did it because it's funny.

And maybe it makes me feel 'cool' and 'hipster' too. :) (Hmm.. hipster... gives me an idea.)

Anyway, even on Twitter it has become more about actually improving one's post than just contributing to a feed. A lot of popular hashtags, yes, are used to condense posts topically, but I also see a lot of people using them to get an extra laugh or to add an expression of the state of mind of the person.

For example, #sorrynotsorry is often used not entirely to add to the feed of #sorrynotsorry, but people like to express that they are not really sorry at all for what they just said in a witty, funny manner.

This is why I think I see people use hashtags on Facebook.

To wrap this one up with a funny story, one of my friends posted a photo of her engagement ring on Instagram (which automatically posted over to Facebook) with about 30 hasthags in it.

So, in the spirit of fun, I commented what follows:


P.S. Any of y'all think Robin would be saying that right now??

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