Friday, November 16, 2012

Wii Shall Overcome

As clever as that title is, I'm pretty sure the Wii is not the console that will overcome!

More like the XBox or the Playstation. Maybe even the PC, since there are so many popular PC out there.

One reason I enjoyed this article was because I happen to be somewhat of a gamer myself. I spent a lot of high school playing video games with my brother, Seth. We always had a lot of fun together playing video games like Madden, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Star Wars Battlefront II, and other games of the same sort.

We also used to have fun as a family getting on the Wii and playing all together. Those were good times.

Nowadays, I spend a few hours a week playing League of Legends on my laptop. The game is fantastic. I't s a great combination of strategy, teamwork, action, and variety of abilities. Just an overall awesome game to play.

I'd personally like to think my gameplay means something more than just temporary entertainment, as the author suggests. I agree with her point that there are a lot of great characteristics in people that video games can pull out, and that we need to get those characteristics to affect real life as well.

However, I'm just not sure if that's gonna be an easy thing to do, if possible at all. People really still have a tendency to distinguish between real and unreal, which I think would prevent making a real life difference.

Basically, I want an excuse to keep playing. I don't know if it will actually contribute to my life overall, but that's okay. I'm having fun.

#honesty #unashamed #speakingofhashtags...

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