Monday, October 1, 2012

"Soul Pancake" website: Alternative Media

When we started talking about “alternative media”, it took me a second to really grasp an example. We are so surrounded by social media these days that it’s hard to find something that is solely idea driven as opposed to profit driven. When I finally thought of an example, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
For those of you who love “The Office”, you should know Rainn Wilson. If you are unfamiliar with the name, that would be the actor who plays Dwight Schrute. Rainn Wilson created a website that I have found recently that is simply beautiful in so many different ways. It’s called “Soul Pancake”. This website has so much to offer it’s incredible. Most of it is spelled out clearly in their mission statement on the homepage.
This is a great example of something that is idea driven! In the “Conversations” tab, you can sign in with your Facebook information and start “answering life’s biggest questions”. Have a question that you are just dying to get answers for? Post it! Anybody who accesses Soul Pancake’s conversations tab can read through the submissions and decide to respond. I’ve posted two questions so far and had great results! Both times I had people respond with different opinions and answers, which is just what I wanted! This is a place where you can get a lot of diverse reactions/answers and really get a great result from posting a question.
The website has a lot more to offer from great videos streaming from their new YouTube channel to activities that help you maybe get a little more out of life.
If you want a website to really get your creative juices flowing and really engage in something that will get your brain wheels turning, log into Soul Pancake. This is the perfect example of giving a voice to “other” people, as an alternative media should. Go get and share some ideas! 

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