Friday, October 19, 2012

Food Inc Video

This documentary should be shown more often. The quiz today asked about who should be responsible for the education and awareness of food and I felt like it was more so asking us who to point the finger at. Obviously we are at fault for what we choose to eat and it is easier to point the finger at someone else, but I honestly think that the government should be doing something to bring more awareness to more people. There is a pretty good amount of information out there, but it is only reaching a certain demographic of people and we need to find a way to make it known nationwide to all different demographics. This is where the media can play a part in helping the government. I don't necessarily think that the media is responsible for informing us, but I do think that they are the best medium for the government to use to help reach everyone. This also got me thinking that the government should not only be helping to inform the public about food but also helping to implement affordable ways to obtain healthier foods. Once we are informed, great... then what.... we still have the issue of the cheap food cycle and nothing is resolved. I think the government should reward the farmers who stick to the organic ways, who try to make healthy food for the public. They can't help that it is more timely, costly etc to produce it and that it therefore is more expensive to sell. Instead, the government should help out by rewarding those farmers because it will make our country healthier which will then reward the government by cutting back on our health issues and the money we need from the government for health problems and assistance. I don't know how to make this happen but something needs to change and we elect these people to protect our country and help us grow. These are the people who have the power to make things happen and they need to figure out a way to help the people in our country.

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