Friday, October 19, 2012

Being a vegetarian

Throughout college I have met many people who claim that they are attempting to be a vegetarian. Out of all these people who have attempted I know one person who has went 4 years successfully being a vegetarian. He is so proud to say that he has followed through with this. The sad part of this is that he hardly ever eats. I have never seen someone with so much will power to say no to fast food. Being in college, I have no idea how he successfully stays a vegetarian. It is so hard not to just leave your house and pick up something to eat, especially when you don't have food at home (which is almost always). He has told me that there has only been once in these past four years that he has tried eating a hamburger, which he threw up minutes later. This scares me. I am so proud of him for not giving in to these foods, but the kid never eats! It is hard for him to be able to eat like a vegetarian when it is so hard to succumb to these types of foods when you are in college. Organic foods need to find a way to be cheaper and more efficient for people that can't afford them. As bad as I want to be a vegetarian I know I would absolutely hate my life eating lettuce and apples everyday.

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