Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hipster Branding

Yep, you read correctly.  "Hipster kids."  I came across this photo while thoughtlessly browsing through the photography section on Pinterest today.  I may or may not have randomly decided I was going to become a photographer, and I may or may not have gone directly to Pinterest for lessons and inspiration. It's embarrassing really, but that's not what we're here for; our Pinterest addiction discussion days are in the past.

Do you think these two know that they are "hipster kids"? Do you think they know that they became part of a hated fad because of the way some adults dressed/labeled them?  

There's no denying that these are a couple of cute kids, and to be honest, I'm not really sure what makes their clothes "hipster".  As Rayner said, "detractors might not know exactly what a hipster is, but they do know what they don't like: a tiresome sort of trendy, ostentatious in their perceived rebellion, yet strangely conformist..."  Maybe it's the way the little girl is standing in an I-dont-give-a-crap hunch.  Maybe it's just the assumed hipster look of over-sized sweaters and skinny jeans.  I, along with every one else cant seem to pin-point it.    

We can't seem to agree if we hate hipsters or if we want to be one of them.  I could see this photo as an ad for a kids clothing magazine, so maybe we're seeing the work of corporation branding here.  I have to be real: after seeing this photo, I can't help but want to dress my future kids in these exact outfits.  I'll tell them how cool or hip or adorable (or whatever kids will be saying in those days) they look, and they will love every second of wearing these clothes.  Or at least, that's how I have it pictured in my head.

Now, we've come full circle to child branding.  As hipsterism is now more mainstream with its adoption by corporations, the kids in the picture, along with their peers, are absorbing what is "cool" based on what they are told and shown.  Their older, idolized siblings are hipsters, their toy dolls are dressed in skinny jeans and black-rim glasses and the characters in their favorite television shows are now part of this rebellious generation.  

These kids probably have no idea that they were dressed as "hipsters", but I bet they think they look pretty darn cool. 

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