Sunday, September 2, 2012

why we should study pop culture

According to Sellnow popular refers to systems or artifacts that people share and that most people know about. Popular culture should be studied because it is something most Americans have in common and can relate to. For example, in class we have seen clips of the show "Jersey Shore," but even if most of class does not watch this show we all know something about it. Jersey Shore is shared between the class because it is part of our popular culture. Because most students have a T.V. or access to one we are able discuss the show. Jersey Shore was a big part of our mediated popular culture. What was interesting about Jersey Shore or any other shows that are or were that popular is that they speak about our generations and what we value. My mom is a big Andy Griffith fan because she use to watch the show when she was a little girl and it was a part of her popular culture. That show emphasized small town life and "good old American values" like being a good neighbor and a part of your community. Shows like Jersey Shore are about partying and being young, which is attractive to high school and college age students. These two examples also illustrate the changes in perceptions or ideologies of people across generations. The values that were held in Andy Griffith are nothing like that of Jersey Shore, yet they both are a part of our beliefs and actions. This is why popular culture should be studied.  Being a critic of popular culture allows us to see past the shows into what the real message is and instead of becoming a blind part and consuming it, we have the ability to analyze and come up with our own conclusions.

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