Monday, September 17, 2012

Don't take away my Pinterest!

I'm going to just say it, I felt personally attacked by "Pinterest, Tumblr, and the Trouble with Curation." As I read, at every turn of the sentence, it was as id I was bring called out for a problem I was blissfully unaware that I had. I love Pinterest. I love it so much that I will put it above my homework sometimes (shamefully, that includes my C322 reading). So when I saw it referred to as an "avenue for procrastination" I had a minor panic attack that was a personal intervention. then when Choire Sicha made it so abundantly clear that my pinning habit was much less than real curation I had to come to terms with the fact that maybe she was on to something. That maybe my so strategically organized shopping list, recipe, and well-in-advance wedding boards aren't really art. Okay, that I can accept. But then, I was mentally harassed by the claim that these boards I've devoted countless study hours perfecting are a "photo album of the life we think we were meant to have but don't..." Excuse me, why is it, exactly, that I can't have these things I've pinned? is it so impossible that one day I get bit by the domestic bug, slap on an apron, and attempt every mouthwatering meal on my recipe board? Or say hell does freeze over someday and I find myself in search of a long white dress - well, lookie lookie who's got her whole wedding planned on her 'New, Borrowed and Blue' wedding board! I understand the theory that Pinterest is a forum for "fantasies about and idealized future" but why is having ideas - well-organized ideas at that - such a horrible thing?

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