Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pinterest Craze

 Last Fridays class we talked about Pinterest and how people pin other peoples stuff that they will probably never do, probably won't ever make, and will just re-pin all the popular pins that everyone else on your friends list pins.

I will define Pinterest as a social media site for sharing ideas, activities, and other media. Which a lot of what you see on Pinterest is a buch of recipes, funny photos, and activities/crafts you can do. But how can you complain with all of that?

So what, if people pin all the popular stuff? So what, if some people will never do some of the things they pin? It is probably so popular because it was a better idea than a majority of other things that didn't get pinned as much. Therefore, that idea/thing is more likely to to have people actually do it since it has more people pinning it.

I don't have a Pinterest, but personally I think it's a good idea, plus my girlfriend makes me a lot of delicious food from the website. She searches up stuff and actually does a decent amount of things that she pins. And even if someone doesn't do something that they pinned right away then maybe they're going to do it in a year or two. For example, How people pin a lot of wedding items. Maybe that person isn't getting married at the moment, but it is probably safe to say that person will get married eventually. So then they can just go to their pins and look at all the ideas they posted and that might save them time and or money. Also maybe people are afraid that they won't see those cool ideas again if they don't re-pin it IMEDIATELY.

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