Friday, November 16, 2012

Pop Culture in Media

Communication and Popular Culture: Study Pop Culture? Duh!
We should study popular culture for multiple reasons, obviously, but one major reason is because there are some that believe that popular culture is only what happens in the media such as music and television, but it is truly more complex than that, Merriam Webster defines popular as, “of or relating to the general public”, for this reason solely we can understand and possibly agree that popular culture is something that effects the masses in one way or another. As it relates to culture, Brummel (2006) defines culture as, “the integrated set or system of artifacts that is linked to a group (p. 26). Topics that are considered “popular culture” texts are examples of artifacts that link a group and in turn create culture. It would seem that one could not work without the other. Culture could not exist without these popular texts to connect the group, and in turn, the connected group then creates the artifacts that make up and continue to expand their culture.

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