Saturday, November 17, 2012

Football and Symbols by J. D. Purdie

It was Wednesday night, November 14th standing in an in the stands yelling and cheering for a Ball States football team as they charged the field and got ready their last game of the season. A man standing behind me started chanting “USA! USA!” And soon it wasn’t just that one man, but half of the stands chanting the same thing. It was then when I realized Dave Zirin Was right, football, and most likely other sports, aren’t just games. Yes at their heart they are about athleticism and competition and fun, but they are a lot more than. Like many things, Sports are what people make them. Bald Eagles don’t innately stand for freedom or America but that’s what we’ve made them to mean. In the same way have made hitting a ball with a stick into a small hole, and getting a ball into a basket into things that mean hard work, skill, determination, strength and teamwork. Like at most any other form of entertainment  and media it reflects that which enables it, like a mirror held up to society.  Should sports be blamed for being segregated in the 1950’s, or was it simply a reflection, commentary on society’s feelings and attitudes at the time. So I do think sports are political, just like a bird can be political. And if we see something that in sports that we think needs to change, I don’t think that changing the sport is the first step we need to take in order to bring the change we desire. Maybe the change we want to we want to see, has to start with us. 

J. D. Purdie

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