Thursday, November 15, 2012

Flash-mob Fetish

Who has seen or participated in a flash mob? Shame on you. 
If you haven't seen or heard about a flash mob you are a dirty liar or a very lucky individual. For those few lucky individuals a flash mob is when a group of people appear in a planned place and perform bizarre acts that distract people's attention in an artistic yet entertaining fashion. They even happen at Ball State, watch the clip above.

However my view point on flash mobs or "culture jammers" are that what they did was fun when it started but because it kept happening over and over again its become part of the norm and it no longer has any shock value in my opinion. My feelings towards people who continue to participate in flash mobs can be expressed by the character Max and Caroline in the TV show. 2 Broke Girls. 

They believe that it is a horrible fad that will pass and needs to be stopped. Culture jamming typically pranks people by upsetting or disrupting the flow of everyday life for a few minutes. The shock of people breaking into choreographed song and dance provides easy entertainment and when the people involved disappear it leaves the spectators confused but smiling.

Flash mobs are very popular with Improv Everywhere. Improv Everywhere is a New York based group of prankers that set up elaborate events for the sake of shocking people. People can join a mailing list on the website and get a mission. Missions are the planned out events such as flash mobs. When someone receives information about the mission they can choose to participate or not.

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