Monday, December 10, 2012

Princess Culture

Something that really got me thinking in class was the superhero and princess cultures, more specifically the Toddlers in Tiaras videos. While we were watching the video clips of that show in class I couldn’t help but be disgusted. I had never heard of this show prior to our class and could not believe that parents would push their kids so hard to be more like an adult. Growing up my parents wanted me to have as much fun as possible; they just wanted me to be a kid. Parents shouldn’t push their kids to grow up so quickly. One may argue that the girls really like being dressed up like this. Of course they do the attention they get must be great for them. They are getting to look and act like the stars that they see on TV and movies. I’m sure they would like a glass of wine too so they can feel older but that’s not right either. Where are the dads in all of this? I want a daughter someday and although I know I’ll make some mistakes, I would not allow my daughter to leave the house looking like an adult dancer and I can’t believe other parents would allow this. I’m getting worked up just thinking about it. It may just be a show scripted to appease a dull audience and it could all be fake for all I know, but I still can’t imagine dressing a little girl, or boy for that matter, like an adult and pushing them to flaunt themselves.

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