Monday, October 8, 2012

Why You Should Study Pop Culture

    Dictionary online suggest that the definition of popular culture is defined as, “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people.”  This just simply means that popular culture is any text, which it can be television shows, movies, books, fashion, sports, food, etc. can influence a majority of people over time or currently at this moment of time.  In this blog I am going to have a debate on two different issues of the same thing, which is popular culture.  I am going to debate whether or not we should study popular culture.
    First, I think we all should study popular culture because it can persuade people to change their beliefs and behaviors.  Take for instance of what Deanna D. Sellnow said in chapter one of her book, “The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture: Considering Mediated Texts,” that young kids today are viewing young stars keeping an ideal weight.  With that it can influence kid's today to keep their weight down.  This is a good reason to study popular culture because we can find out what is going on and how we can stop it.  On the other hand it can have a negative impact on studying popular culture.
    Second, it can have a negative impact on studying popular culture because from the view of the kid, who watch and sees these young stars throwing up their food after they eat to keep their ideal weight down can cause the kid to get sick or even worse die.  This is bad because the viewer is studying the celebrity as if he or she has the perfect ideal body, which causes the viewer to think that it is okay to have that perfect body, so that everyone can look at you and say, “damn you look good.”  But in reality you look sick and that you will die if you don’t eat.
    I hope that this debate can help anyone on what is popular culture, which is any text that is popular or why we should study it.  Plus, if anyone is throwing up their food after they eat, should seek help immediately.  Having the perfect body isn’t being like your favorite celebrities, but being yourself.  Eat healthy and go to the gym every now and then.  Trust me, you will look good.

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